Saturday, August 11, 2012

"Stravaigin" - an old Scots word to 'wander aimlessly with intent'

Big thanks to Louise Milne, for this marvelous addition to my vocab!

I love the word and the imagery it conjures. But caution and logistics beckon, so my 'stravaigin' through the heart of Asia will have to follow a plan:

Leg 1 (now till 28 Aug) in Russia -
Novosibirsk (capital of Siberia) & Altai Mountains

It all started when I signed up for Biosphere Expedition's expedition to track snow leopards and other key species in the Altai Mountains ('Altai' = 'Golden' in Turkic and Mongolian languages). Follow the trip updates in the next two weeks from these links -
Biosphere Expeditions' Facebook page

Leg 2 (28 Aug - 8 Sep) in Kyrgyzstan - Bishkek (capital) and Karakol (east of Lake Issy-kul)

It took me some time, but after endless google searches for 2 months, Kyrgyzstan rolls off my fingers now as easily as Sentosa. In the 'Switzerland of Asia', I hope to try out Central Asian horse riding with Bulak Say ( without breaking my neck!

Leg 3 (8 Sep - 5 Oct) in Kazakhstan - Almaty and Chu-ili mountains

I almost fell out of my chair with excitement when I came across a volunteer opportunity with the Lab of Geo-Archaeology in Almaty to document petroglyphs of Kazakhstan in September ( So off I will go to Almaty, an ancient stop along the Silk Road and where apples are said to originate from.

Leg 4 (5-8 Oct) in Hong Kong -
This is hardly a leg. But the thought of dim sum and all that wonderful eats ... is like a beacon shining in the distance!

On 8 Oct, it is home sweet home to Singapore, if all goes well.

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